Big Labels Offer Free Music to College Students
Hey, I thought this article was interesting because it has to do with copyrighted music. Since people are always illegally downloading music, this one website came up with a way you can download music for free if your a college student.
By Saul Hansell
Published:January 22, 2007
In one more attempt to counter music piracy, major music labels have agreed to support a service that will offer free music downloads - with some substantial restrictions - to any college student.
The service, from Ruckus Network, will be supported by advertising on its Web site and on the software used to download and play songs. The four major labels and several independant labels have agreed to license their music to Ruckus at a lower rate then they charge mass market music services on the theory that college students would rather steal songs then pay $10 to $15 a month that such services normally charge.
John Pruzinsky
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